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Curso de formação técnica com válvulas de controlo Hofmann

Curso de formação técnica com válvulas de controlo Hofmann

Dando continuidade à nossa constante aposta na formação contínua, as equipas de SAT, logística, gabinete técnico e comercial da CONTAGAS frequentaram um importante curso de formação técnica sobre as válvulas de controlo Hofmann, e as Valvole Hofmann em geral.

Uma formação muito importante, que serviu de exemplo, foi sobre a válvula M8, hoje em dia já uma referência no mercado devido ao número crescente de utilizadores, e fornecida pelas nossas diferentes delegações.

Depois de toda a equipa ter praticado a montagem dos diferentes acessórios, procedemos ao ajuste do posicionador de forma a deixar as válvulas de controlo em condições óptimas de funcionamento.

Ao mesmo tempo, foram simulados os possíveis contratempos que poderiam ocorrer na fábrica, tanto durante o arranque como devido a alterações nas condições, para que pudessem ser compreendidos e resolvidos.

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Graças a esta formação contínua, a CONTAGAS confirma a excelente qualidade dos seus produtos através de testes cíclicos e, ao mesmo tempo, prepara tecnicamente o seu pessoal para oferecer, como sempre, o melhor serviço aos seus clientes.

A Valvole Hofmann, em conjunto com a CONTAGAS, oferece soluções aos clientes em válvulas de controlo e regulação.

Poderá encontrar mais soluções para o controlo de fluidos na nossa gama de produtos Valvole Hofmann.

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Válvulas automáticas de esfera e de borboleta CONTAGAS

Projeto de expansão de uma nova fábrica que consiste em válvulas automáticas de esfera e de borboleta

In close cooperation with our partners ValpresGhibson and Actreg, a new expansion project has been realised with the preparation, assembly and testing of pneumatically actuated ball and butterfly valves with their respective accessories.

All of them are certified to work in ATEX zone.


We are very satisfied with the confidence once again by our customer in the CONTAGAS team.

At CONTAGAS we continue working to provide the best service and offer the best solutions, among others, for the control and regulation of fluids to our customers.

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Envíos a África válvulas CONTAGAS

Novo Projeto Internacional: Envio de Válvulas de Regulação e Controlo para África

CONTAGAS, once again, successfully completes a new international project.

On this occasion we would like to highlight that this is a major project. The supply of 99 regulation and control valves for process lines and steam generation in a sugar production plant in the heart of Africa has been carried out.

The complexity of this new project lay mainly in the management, assembly, functional tests and preparation for the subsequent supply of large equipment, such as valves and actuators, developed by our trusted partners.

In this supply, the partners who have collaborated in the project are the following: Bellino, Ghibson, Valpres, Valbia, Didtek, Actreg and YTCRotork.

The cleverness and experience of our employees have been the key to guarantee the delivery of the products in complete safety and within the agreed deadline.

With the achievement of this project, CONTAGAS once again demonstrates its capacity to carry out projects of any size and complexity.

A team that is both technically and technologically prepared to offer the best products and services in the industrial sector from its facilities, duly prepared for any challenge that may arise.

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CONTAGAS Certificados ATEX - Fugitive Emmisions Didtek

Novos certificados ATEX e de Emissões Fugitivas para as válvulas Didtek

CONTAGAS is proud to announce the new certifications for what are undoubtedly one of its star products, the valves of its represented company Didtek. Guaranteed quality in nodular cast iron bellows globe valves.

ATEX Certificates
Globe valves, gate valves, check valves, filters, ball valves and butterfly valves.

Fugitive emissions
Globe valves with bellows (ISO 15848-1 and TA-LUFT).

ATEX Certificates

ISO 15848-1 Certificates

TA-LUFT Certificates

The rigorous and exhaustive controls to which the products and solutions offered by CONTAGAS are subjected confirm the constant commitment to excellence, both in the production processes and in the subsequent testing of the products ready for distribution, which are subjected to different action pressures that refute their excellent performance.

CONTAGAS and Didtek, committed and coordinated in the offer of products and solutions with the highest certified guarantee in the industrial sector.

Consult and download here the technical data sheet of the Didtek GGG40 nodular cast iron bellows globe valve and all its available certifications.

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CONTAGAS em Itália visitando as suas marcas representadas do Grupo Bonomi

CONTAGAS is always committed to offering products and solutions of the highest quality. At the same time, in its commitment to maintain the highest standards in its service, it is concerned to know first hand and meticulously its partner companies and their production processes.

To this end, CONTAGAS has made a very special visit with part of its sales team from Spain and Portugal to the production plants of the companies represented by the Bonomi Group in Italy: Valpres, Valbia, Ghibson, Rubinetterie Bresciane and Penta.

This visit, which has served to verify in situ the optimisation of their production chains and the excellent quality of their products and solutions, ratifies the strong alliance and the commitment of trust between CONTAGAS and the Bonomi Group, a world leader in the industrial sector.

We are very grateful for the excellent welcome and dedication to our visit of all the staff of the visited companies of the Bonomi Group.

CONTAGAS, always offering its customers the widest range of solutions and services to suit all the needs of the sector, with the utmost professionalism and always thinking about the needs of our customers.

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Valpres, novo representante exclusivo da CONTAGAS

CONTAGAS is pleased to announce its exclusive representation agreement for Spain and Portugal with Valpres, specialists since 1978 in custom-made steel and other special alloy valves for the Industrial sector, Oil & Gas, as well as renewable energies.

Valpres, part of the Bonomi Group, is a leader in the production of standard and customised industrial valves, building its corporate identity on values such as experience, reliability and continuous innovation.

This important representation agreement ratifies the close relationship between CONTAGAS and the Bonomi Group, who have entrusted the exclusive representation of other important partners of their group, such as Ghibson and Valbia, in the best hands.

CONTAGAS, always offering its customers the widest range of solutions and services to suit all the needs of the sector, with the utmost professionalism and always with our customers’ needs in mind.

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Fornecimento de válvulas de borboleta manuais e automáticas Teflon e EPDM Ghibson

A few days ago, CONTAGAS was proud to announce the distribution and collaboration agreement with Ghibson Valves, part of the Bonomi Group, a 100% Italian company with more than 40 years of experience in the manufacture of butterfly valves and non-return valves for numerous industrial applications.

Today, once again, we allude to the excellent relationship with our partner Ghibson to echo the supply of manual and automatic Teflon and EPDM butterfly valves that CONTAGAS has ready to deliver to one of our most prestigious customers.

CONTAGAS is proud to not only have the best companies represented in the industry, but also to always offer the best solutions and the best service to its customers.

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Formação técnica Fireye para a equipa técnica da CONTAGAS

Fireye‘s technical team took advantage of their visit to Expoquimia to carry out some technical training sessions at CONTAGAS‘ main offices.

These training sessions, given by Fireye‘s top professionals, served to familiarise the CONTAGAS Technical Office with all its new products and solutions, including its hydrogen-ready flame scanners, an excellent solution that guarantees accurate flame discrimination.

The aim of the continuous training provided by the CONTAGAS technical office is to provide rigorous technical knowledge of all the products and solutions offered by its partner companies. This is how we achieve our daily objective of providing excellence in service and, above all, improving day by day in providing solutions to our customers.

Do you know the training services offered by CONTAGAS? are both face-to-face and online. Discover our wide range of services or fill in the following form to receive personalised training.

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Scanner de chama Fireye preparado para hidrogénio

Fireye, a company exclusively represented by CONTAGAS, presented at the last Expoquimia Fair its hydrogen-ready flame scanners, an excellent solution that guarantees an accurate discrimination of the flame.

CONTAGAS had the great support of two great professionals from Fireye to show first hand all its novelties.

Taking the opportunity, CONTAGAS introduced María José Muñoz, the company’s new Inside Sales Manager, to its friends, customers and suppliers.


We would like to give a warm welcome to this great professional, who is sure to bring great success to the sales management of CONTAGAS.

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Muito sucesso na Expoquimia 2023!

CONTAGAS would like to thank its customers, represented brands and friends for their visit at the last Expoquimia 2023 Fair.

As has become a tradition, our presence at the International Chemistry Meeting from 30 May to 2 June was not long in coming, and of course, we could not miss the opportunity to present ourselves with great news, which we shared with the many attendees at the event.

Thus, CONTAGAS proudly announced the new exclusive representation of brands of great national and international prestige, brands that join the large family of partner companies by CONTAGAS.

Thank you all for your presence, see you at the next fair!

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Soluções de aplicação especial com Valvole Hofmann

From our North Branch and Technical Office, we offer technical advice and supply of products in an experimental process, offering the optimum solution to our customer.

Supply of 3-way diverter control valves ALL / NOTHING and Modulating for thermal fluid.

Valvole Hofmann together with CONTAGAS offers solutions to customers for control and regulation valves.

You can find more solutions for fluid control in our Valvole Hofmann product range.

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CONTAGAS-Shipping valves to Barcelona

Destino: Barcelona

Material ready and prepared to be sent to Barcelona  🚚 📦📋

ON-OFF Valves and Control Valves (PN100) for High Temperature and High Pressure with bellows seal.

Valvole Hofmann together with CONTAGAS offers solutions to customers for control and regulation valves.

You can find more solutions for fluid control in our Valvole Hofmann product range.

At CONTAGAS, we offer the best solutions, being focused on providing the best advice and service from our facilities.

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CONTAGAS, Parceiro Oficial de Pietro Fiorentini Iberia

From April 1, 2022, Pietro Fiorentini is established in the peninsula as Pietro Fiorentini Iberia to provide a more direct service to the Spanish and Portuguese markets.

We are at a very important moment of change for the energy sector, with great developments in the fields of smart meters, hydrogen and biomethane, among others. Pietro Fiorentini, as a global strategic company in the energy sector, wants to be directly part of these new developments.

For the rest of the teams, CONTAGAS will continue to be the official partner of Pietro Fiorentini in Spain and will continue to attend to its clients, in all queries related to products and services offered by the Pietro Fiorentini group, with the same quality as always.

CONTAGAS has been a historical distributor of Pietro Fiorentini since 1976 of gas regulation, control and measurement equipment and continues to be its official partner.

At CONTAGAS, our goal is that our clients continue to receive the best product and the best service, both from Pietro Fiorentini and from all those other distributors that CONTAGAS offers.

The new General Director of CONTAGAS, Antonio Cuadra, states:

“At CONTAGAS we continue to work with our partner, Pietro Fiorentini, with all our effort and enthusiasm, offering the best quality of product and service, with a commercial presence throughout the peninsula.”

Maria Presas, General Manager until today, becomes Executive Adviser and, although she also becomes the new CEO of Pietro Fiorentini Iberia, she will continue to be closely linked to CONTAGAS.

Antonio Cuadra

Maria Presas
Excecutive Adviser

Jordi Presas

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Notícia Enviament TIV-ENG

Fornecimento para uma central térmica

We have a new supply of TIV Valves ready for a thermal power plant in Spain.

At CONTAGAS we work on what we like and are passionate about, which is to provide the best solutions and the best service to our clients. Our satisfaction is to have every day more customers satisfied with our work and team. And thanks to this, we keep on learning more every day to continue improving.

TIV Valves and CONTAGAS, your trusted partner in valves.

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